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BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts

BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts

Versand innerhalb von 2-5 Werktagen

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BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts

Marke:Bull's Germany
Bull's Germany BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts
Bull's Germany BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts
Bull's Germany BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts
Bull's Germany BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts

BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts

Marke:Bull's Germany

Versand innerhalb von 2-5 Werktagen

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BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts Produktinformationen:

Darts Marke: Bull's Germany
Darts Material: Tungsten 80%




 18 Gramm

 48.00 mm

 6.70 mm

BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts kommen mit: 3 Barrels, 3 Flights und 3 Shafts.


BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts Produktinformationen:

Darts Marke: Bull's Germany
Darts Material: Tungsten 80%




 18 Gramm

 48.00 mm

 6.70 mm

BULL'S Phantom PT1 Softdarts kommen mit: 3 Barrels, 3 Flights und 3 Shafts.
